Purposeful Planning Process

It all starts with why
we do what we do.

We are here to empower and educate our clients to be purposeful financial stewards when accumulating, preserving, and passing on their legacy. As a multi-generational planning practice, we are committed to assisting families and business owners to:

  • Organize business and
    personal affairs.
  • Create and execute an
    integrated financial plan.
  • Implement a
    lasting legacy.

What to Expect

Click the steps below to learn more about our process.





Virtual or In-Person: 45-60 Minutes


  • Introduction and Relationship Building.
  • Discuss Your Planning Goals and Concerns.
  • Explain Our Firm's Philosophy and Approach to Working with Clients.
  • Provide an Overview of Our Comprehensive Planning Process.
  • Email Confidential Discovery Questionnaire at the End of Our Meeting.

First Look

Virtual or In-Person: 60-90 Minutes


  • Crystallize your Goals and Vision for your Family, Business, and Community.
  • Assess and Confirm your Financial Position.
  • Examine Essential Wealth Planning Considerations and Observations.
  • Discuss the Fees Associated with Starting a Purposeful Planning Engagement.
  • Address any Queries or Concerns Regarding the Planning Process.


Back-Office: 3-6 Weeks


  • Craft your "Purposeful Plan" to align with your financial goals.
  • Gather and analyze relevant documents to understand your current financial situation.
  • Fully comprehend and unlock the potential of your cash flow to identify areas for improvement and maximize resources.
  • Keep you informed and engaged, requesting additional documents as needed for a comprehensive and accurate analysis.


Two 90 Minute Virtual or In-Persons Sessions*


  • Review your Financial Position.
  • In Depth Analysis and Recommendations in the following areas (based on complexity/needs):
    • Cash Flow, Risk Management, Retirement, Investment, Education, Estate, Business, Charity, & Tax Planning.
  • Critique your Estate, Legacy, & Business Plan (if a business owner).

*Three 90 Minute Meetings may be needed based on complexity/# of services

Plan Summary & Implementation

Virtual or In-Person: 30-60 Minutes Each


  • Confirm your Specific Action Items with a Date for Completion and Deliver Purposeful Plan Summary Document.
  • Implementation: As your Accountability Partner, we will help put your plan into action with the appropriate solutions. Over the next 12 months, we will answer questions via call/e-mail and set-up appropriate meetings with your advisory team as needed (i.e., Attorney, CPA, Banker, etc.).

Monitor: Semi-Annual Strategy Sessions And/Or Event Driven Plan Updates

Virtual or In-Person: 30-90 Minutes Each


  • Adopt a Customized Service Model to Help Address Open Issues and Ongoing Planning Needs.
  • Identify Major Life Changes & Update Goals, Financial Data, Risk Management, & Wealth Planning Objectives.
  • Analyze Gifting Opportunities, Monitor Tax Law Changes, Review Updated Legacy Desires, and Business Plan Strategies.
  • Coordinate with your Advisory Team and Initiate Family Meetings.